Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis!

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

Array ( [links] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node [#pre_render] => Array ( [0] => drupal_pre_render_links ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) [node] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node__node [#links] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) ) [nodereference_url] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node__nodereference [#links] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) ) ) [group_details] => Array ( [#array_parents] => Array ( [0] => group_details ) [#field_parents] => Array ( ) [body] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 18 [#title] => Body [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => body [#field_type] => text_with_summary [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

) [field_language] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 28 [#title] => Language [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_language [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => German ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 29 [#title] => Date [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_date [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => 2013 ) ) [field_otherholdings] => [field_latitude] => [field_longitude] => [field_alpha_title] => [field_series] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 22 [#title] => Series [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_series [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) [field_artist] => [field_creators_group] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 24 [#title] => Creators / Group [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_creators_group [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) [field_width] => [field_height] => [field_aep_description] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 19 [#title] => Description [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_aep_description [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) [field_aep_translation] => [field_trans_title] => [field_timeline_date] => [field_location] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 25 [#title] => Locale [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_location [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Berlin, Germany ) ) [field_seealso] => [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 33 [#title] => AEP Keywords [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_7 [#field_type] => entityreference [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) [#formatter] => entityreference_label [0] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Drug abuse [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/344 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Graffiti [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/390 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Hepatitis [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/791 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Safe sex [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/1242 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) ) [#weight] => 0 [#prefix] =>
[#suffix] =>
) [group_images] => Array ( [#array_parents] => Array ( [0] => group_images ) [#field_parents] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 35 [#title] => Poster 1 [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_poster_1 [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => AP13651.jpg ) ) [field_poster_2] => [field_mature_flag] => [field_copyright] => [field_poster_image] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 34 [#title] => Image [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_poster_image [#field_type] => image [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 75914 [uid] => 1 [title] => Von Drogen Bekomm Ich Keine Hepatitis! [log] => Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 49182 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1519168500 [changed] => 1519759980 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1527708733 [revision_uid] => 135 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Safer use und safer sex schützen mich"

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => 3 [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2013 [format] => 3 [safe_value] => 2013 ) ) ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( ) [field_series] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Safer Use Und Safer Sex Schützen Mich ) ) ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( ) [field_height] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP13651.jpg [format] => 3 [safe_value] => AP13651.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => 3 [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 390 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 390 [vid] => 7 [name] => Graffiti [description] => fst00945846 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 791 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 791 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hepatitis [description] => fst00955188 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 1242 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1242 [vid] => 7 [name] => Safe sex [description] => [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) ) [#formatter] => cloud_zoom [0] => Array ( [#theme] => cloud_zoom_image [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 10110 [uid] => 0 [filename] => AP13651.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP13651.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2291064 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1527708733 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 1218 [height] => 1700 ) [#slide_style] => poster_size [#zoom_style] => 0 [#gallery_filedset] => Array ( [gallery_mode] => 0 [thumb_style] => 0 ) [#gallery_mode] => 0 [#thumb_style] => 0 [#zoom_position_fieldset] => Array ( [zoom_width] => auto [zoom_height] => auto [position] => inside [adjust_x] => 0 [adjust_y] => 0 ) [#zoom_width] => auto [#zoom_height] => auto [#position] => inside [#adjust_x] => 0 [#adjust_y] => 0 [#zoom_style_fieldset] => Array ( [tint] => false [tint_opacity] => 0.5 [lens_opacity] => 0.5 [soft_focus] => 0 [smooth_move] => 3 [Show title] => 0 [title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#tint] => false [#tint_opacity] => 0.5 [#lens_opacity] => 0.5 [#soft_focus] => 0 [#smooth_move] => 3 [#Show title] => 0 [#title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>
) [#weight] => 1 [#type] => fieldset [#title] => Images [#collapsible] => [#collapsed] => [#pre_render] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [#description] => ) )
Orange piece of paper with title text on it in front of a wall with graffiti'd names of drugs on it.
Creators / Group: 
Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe
Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Drug abuse, Graffiti, Hepatitis, Safe sex


This image may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). It is displayed here only for the purposes of research. The written permission of the copyright owners may be required for distribution or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use. All responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.