Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement.

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

Array ( [links] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node [#pre_render] => Array ( [0] => drupal_pre_render_links ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) [node] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node__node [#links] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) ) [nodereference_url] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node__nodereference [#links] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) ) ) [group_details] => Array ( [#array_parents] => Array ( [0] => group_details ) [#field_parents] => Array ( ) [body] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 18 [#title] => Body [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => body [#field_type] => text_with_summary [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

) [field_language] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 28 [#title] => Language [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_language [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => French ) ) [field_date] => [field_otherholdings] => [field_latitude] => [field_longitude] => [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 34 [#title] => Search Title [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_alpha_title [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) [field_series] => [field_artist] => [field_creators_group] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 24 [#title] => Creators / Group [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_creators_group [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 31 [#title] => Width [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_width [#field_type] => number_decimal [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) [#formatter] => number_decimal [0] => Array ( [#markup] => 30.00cm ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 32 [#title] => Height [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_height [#field_type] => number_decimal [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) [#formatter] => number_decimal [0] => Array ( [#markup] => 40.00cm ) ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 19 [#title] => Description [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_aep_description [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 21 [#title] => Translation [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_aep_translation [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 20 [#title] => Translation Title [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_trans_title [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) [field_timeline_date] => [field_location] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 25 [#title] => Locale [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_location [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => France ) ) [field_seealso] => [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 33 [#title] => AEP Keywords [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_7 [#field_type] => entityreference [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) [#formatter] => entityreference_label [0] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Heterosexuals [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/307 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Drug abuse [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/344 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Hypodermic syringes [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/428 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Gay men [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/664 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/768 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Pregnancy [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/795 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Helplines [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/817 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) ) [#weight] => 0 [#prefix] =>
[#suffix] =>
) [group_images] => Array ( [#array_parents] => Array ( [0] => group_images ) [#field_parents] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 35 [#title] => Poster 1 [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_poster_1 [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => AP6720.jpg ) ) [field_poster_2] => [field_mature_flag] => [field_copyright] => [field_poster_image] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 34 [#title] => Image [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_poster_image [#field_type] => image [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 68918 [uid] => 1 [title] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manières, et pas autrement. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 44329 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839356 [changed] => 1481559992 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1481559992 [revision_uid] => 127 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

Sida. Aujourd’hui on peut faire beaucoup. Mais rien sans vous
1 - Quand on a un rapport sexuel sans préservatif avec une personne contaminée par le-virus du sida.
2 - De la mère contaminée à l’enfant lors de la grossesse, de l’accouchement ou de l'allaitement.
3 - Quand on partage ou réutilise une seringue en cas d’usage de drogue.
Pour en parler, pour savoir où vous adresser près de chez vous:
SIDA INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Appel anonyme, confidentiel et gratuit.
Ministère De l’emploi et de la solidarité - Secrétariat d’état à la santé et à l’action sociale.

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => French [format] => [safe_value] => French ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. [format] => [safe_value] => Sida peut se transmette de 3 manieres, et pas autrement. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) [format] => [safe_value] => CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 30.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 40.0 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP6720.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP6720.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. [format] => [safe_value] => Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

[format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

AIDS. Today we can do a lot. But not without you.
1 - When someone has unprotected sex with a person infected with AIDS.
 2 - From an infected mother to the child during pregnancy, From childbirth, or from Nursing.
 3 - When one shares or reuses a syringe when using drugs.
 To talk, know more, or to inquire for more information near you:
AIDS INFO SERVICE : 0 800 840 800
Call anonymously, confidentially, and for free.
Minister of employment and solidarity - Secretary of state for health and social action. French committee for health education. [Translated by Theo Kaufman.]

) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other. ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => France [format] => [safe_value] => France ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 307 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 307 [vid] => 7 [name] => Heterosexuals [description] => fst00955795 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 344 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 344 [vid] => 7 [name] => Drug abuse [description] => fst00898480 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 428 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 428 [vid] => 7 [name] => Hypodermic syringes [description] => fst00965994 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 664 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 664 [vid] => 7 [name] => Gay men [description] => fst00939117 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 768 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 768 [vid] => 7 [name] => AIDS (Disease)--Transmission [description] => fst00793968 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [target_id] => 795 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 795 [vid] => 7 [name] => Pregnancy [description] => fst01075102 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 174 [name] => [street] => [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => fr [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => [country_name] => France ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) [#formatter] => cloud_zoom [0] => Array ( [#theme] => cloud_zoom_image [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 3371 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP6720.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP6720.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 67019 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296243207 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) [#slide_style] => poster_size [#zoom_style] => 0 [#gallery_filedset] => Array ( [gallery_mode] => 0 [thumb_style] => 0 ) [#gallery_mode] => 0 [#thumb_style] => 0 [#zoom_position_fieldset] => Array ( [zoom_width] => auto [zoom_height] => auto [position] => inside [adjust_x] => 0 [adjust_y] => 0 ) [#zoom_width] => auto [#zoom_height] => auto [#position] => inside [#adjust_x] => 0 [#adjust_y] => 0 [#zoom_style_fieldset] => Array ( [tint] => false [tint_opacity] => 0.5 [lens_opacity] => 0.5 [soft_focus] => 0 [smooth_move] => 3 [Show title] => 0 [title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#tint] => false [#tint_opacity] => 0.5 [#lens_opacity] => 0.5 [#soft_focus] => 0 [#smooth_move] => 3 [#Show title] => 0 [#title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>
) [#weight] => 1 [#type] => fieldset [#title] => Images [#collapsible] => [#collapsed] => [#pre_render] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [#description] => ) )
AIDS can be transmitted in 3 ways and none other.
Drawings of heterosexual and homosexual couples, a pregnant woman, and two hands holding a syringe.
40 x 30 cm.
Keywords: Heterosexuals, Drug abuse, Hypodermic syringes, Gay men, AIDS (Disease)--Transmission, Pregnancy, Helplines


This image may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). It is displayed here only for the purposes of research. The written permission of the copyright owners may be required for distribution or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use. All responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.