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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
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[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[#printed] => 1
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
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[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Love is to be protected.
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[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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[field_longitude] => Array
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[safe_value] => Amour, ca se protege.
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[field_creators_group] => Array
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[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[und] => Array
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Love is to be protected.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
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[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
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[field_creators_group] => Array
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[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
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[value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
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[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
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[value] => Amour, ca se protege.
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[safe_value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[field_series] => Array
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[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Love is to be protected.
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[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
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[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
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[data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;}
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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[und] => Array
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[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
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[value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[field_series] => Array
[field_artist] => Array
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[field_aep_description] => Array
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Love is to be protected.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
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[province_name] => Quebec
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[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
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[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
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[province_name] => Quebec
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[#formatter] => text_default
[0] => Array
[#markup] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
[field_language] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => French
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[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
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[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Love is to be protected.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
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[name] =>
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[longitude] => 0.000000
[source] => 0
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[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
[name] => admin
[picture] => 0
[data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;}
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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[field_otherholdings] => Array
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[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
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[value] => Amour, ca se protege.
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[safe_value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[field_series] => Array
[field_artist] => Array
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[field_width] => Array
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[field_copyright] => Array
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[und] => Array
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
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[und] => Array
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To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Love is to be protected.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
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[country_name] => Canada
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Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => French
[format] =>
[safe_value] => French
[field_date] => Array
[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[field_series] => Array
[field_artist] => Array
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[field_width] => Array
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[field_poster_2] => Array
[field_mature_flag] => Array
[field_copyright] => Array
[field_aep_description] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Love is to be protected.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
[field_poster_image] => Array
[und] => Array
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[field_timeline_date] => Array
[field_location] => Array
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[field_seealso] => Array
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[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
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[lid] => 1322
[name] =>
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[additional] =>
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[province] => QC
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[country] => ca
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[longitude] => 0.000000
[source] => 0
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[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
[name] => admin
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[value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
[field_language] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => French
[format] =>
[safe_value] => French
[field_date] => Array
[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[field_series] => Array
[field_artist] => Array
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[field_width] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 54.5
[field_height] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 91.5
[field_poster_1] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => AP5285.jpg
[format] =>
[safe_value] => AP5285.jpg
[field_poster_2] => Array
[field_mature_flag] => Array
[field_copyright] => Array
[field_aep_description] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Love is to be protected.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
[field_poster_image] => Array
[und] => Array
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[alt] =>
[title] =>
[width] =>
[height] =>
[field_timeline_date] => Array
[field_location] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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[field_seealso] => Array
[taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array
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[access] => 1
[1] => Array
[target_id] => 535
[entity] => stdClass Object
[tid] => 535
[vid] => 7
[name] => Sexually transmitted diseases
[description] => fst01114952
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[weight] => 0
[vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7
[access] => 1
[2] => Array
[target_id] => 1221
[entity] => stdClass Object
[tid] => 1221
[vid] => 7
[name] => AIDS (Disease)--Prevention
[description] => fst00793908
[format] =>
[weight] => 0
[vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7
[access] => 1
[locations] => Array
[0] => Array
[lid] => 1322
[name] =>
[street] => 3655 rue St. Urbain
[additional] =>
[city] => Montreal
[province] => QC
[postal_code] =>
[country] => ca
[latitude] => 0.000000
[longitude] => 0.000000
[source] => 0
[is_primary] => 0
[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
[location] => Array
[lid] => 1322
[name] =>
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[additional] =>
[city] => Montreal
[province] => QC
[postal_code] =>
[country] => ca
[latitude] => 0.000000
[longitude] => 0.000000
[source] => 0
[is_primary] => 0
[province_name] => Quebec
[country_name] => Canada
[name] => admin
[picture] => 0
[data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;}
[entity_view_prepared] => 1
[#items] => Array
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[value] => AP5285.jpg
[format] =>
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[field_poster_image] => Array
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[#title] => Image
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[#field_type] => image
[#field_translatable] => 0
[#entity_type] => node
[#bundle] => aids_poster
[#object] => stdClass Object
[vid] => 68786
[uid] => 1
[title] => L'amour, ça se protège.
[log] =>
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[comment] => 2
[promote] => 0
[sticky] => 0
[nid] => 44197
[type] => aids_poster
[language] => und
[created] => 1291839354
[changed] => 1481574561
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[revision_timestamp] => 1481574561
[revision_uid] => 127
[body] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
Pour combattre l'épidémie de MTS. Il faut être bien informé. Reseignez-vous auprés de votre médecin. Des CLSC, des DSC ou en téléohinant a info MTS. 1 800 463-5656. C'est gratuit, c'est confidentiel et c'est vraiment rassurant. L'amour, ça se protège.
Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Direction des communications
En collaboration avec les DSC et les CLSC
[safe_summary] =>
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[value] => Amour, ca se protege.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Amour, ca se protege.
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[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a young woman, her hand hand in her hair at the side of her head.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
To fight the epidemic of STDs, it is important to be well-informed. To learn more, speak with your doctor, visit a local health center, community health department, or call toll-free for more information on STDs at 1 800 436-5656. This is confidential, and it is very reassuring.
Love is to be protected.
Government of Quebec
Minister of Health and Social Services
Communications Branch
In collaboration with the Department of Community Health and local health centers. [Translated by Alicia Thome.]
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Love is to be protected.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Love is to be protected.
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[1] => Array
[target_id] => 535
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[target_id] => 1221
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