Anruf genügt!

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

Array ( [links] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node [#pre_render] => Array ( [0] => drupal_pre_render_links ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) [node] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node__node [#links] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) ) [nodereference_url] => Array ( [#theme] => links__node__nodereference [#links] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => links [1] => inline ) ) ) ) [group_details] => Array ( [#array_parents] => Array ( [0] => group_details ) [#field_parents] => Array ( ) [body] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 18 [#title] => Body [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => body [#field_type] => text_with_summary [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

) [field_language] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 28 [#title] => Language [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_language [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => German ) ) [field_date] => [field_otherholdings] => [field_latitude] => [field_longitude] => [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 34 [#title] => Search Title [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_alpha_title [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Anruf genügt! ) ) [field_series] => [field_artist] => [field_creators_group] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 24 [#title] => Creators / Group [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_creators_group [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 31 [#title] => Width [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_width [#field_type] => number_decimal [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) [#formatter] => number_decimal [0] => Array ( [#markup] => 42.00cm ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 32 [#title] => Height [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_height [#field_type] => number_decimal [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) [#formatter] => number_decimal [0] => Array ( [#markup] => 59.50cm ) ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 19 [#title] => Description [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_aep_description [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) [field_aep_translation] => [field_trans_title] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 20 [#title] => Translation Title [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_trans_title [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Just call us! ) ) [field_timeline_date] => [field_location] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 25 [#title] => Locale [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_location [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Berlin, Germany ) ) [field_seealso] => [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 33 [#title] => AEP Keywords [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_7 [#field_type] => entityreference [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) [#formatter] => entityreference_label [0] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Bedrooms [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/246 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Men [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/454 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Helplines [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/817 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) ) [#weight] => 0 [#prefix] =>
[#suffix] =>
) [group_images] => Array ( [#array_parents] => Array ( [0] => group_images ) [#field_parents] => Array ( ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 35 [#title] => Poster 1 [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_poster_1 [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => AP4963.jpg ) ) [field_poster_2] => [field_mature_flag] => [field_copyright] => [field_poster_image] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 34 [#title] => Image [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_poster_image [#field_type] => image [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 67356 [uid] => 1 [title] => Anruf genügt! [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42767 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839185 [changed] => 1415911173 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1415911173 [revision_uid] => 0 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>

"Unter der gleichen Nummer sind erreichbar: Positive Beraten Positive: So 15-20H. Frauen Beraten Frauen: Do 16-20H."

[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Anruf genügt! [format] => [safe_value] => Anruf genügt! ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe [format] => [safe_value] => Berliner AIDS-Hilfe ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 42.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 59.5 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP4963.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP4963.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. [format] => [safe_value] => Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Just call us! [format] => [safe_value] => Just call us! ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Berlin, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Berlin, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 246 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 246 [vid] => 7 [name] => Bedrooms [description] => fst00829523 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 454 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 454 [vid] => 7 [name] => Men [description] => fst01015978 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 817 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 817 [vid] => 7 [name] => Helplines [description] => fst01737990 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) ) [location] => Array ( [lid] => 3019 [name] => [street] => Meinickestrasse 12 [additional] => [city] => Berlin [province] => BE [postal_code] => [country] => de [latitude] => 0.000000 [longitude] => 0.000000 [source] => 0 [is_primary] => 0 [province_name] => Berlin [country_name] => Germany ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) [#formatter] => cloud_zoom [0] => Array ( [#theme] => cloud_zoom_image [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 3345 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP4963.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP4963.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 96872 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1296241357 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) [#slide_style] => poster_size [#zoom_style] => 0 [#gallery_filedset] => Array ( [gallery_mode] => 0 [thumb_style] => 0 ) [#gallery_mode] => 0 [#thumb_style] => 0 [#zoom_position_fieldset] => Array ( [zoom_width] => auto [zoom_height] => auto [position] => inside [adjust_x] => 0 [adjust_y] => 0 ) [#zoom_width] => auto [#zoom_height] => auto [#position] => inside [#adjust_x] => 0 [#adjust_y] => 0 [#zoom_style_fieldset] => Array ( [tint] => false [tint_opacity] => 0.5 [lens_opacity] => 0.5 [soft_focus] => 0 [smooth_move] => 3 [Show title] => 0 [title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#tint] => false [#tint_opacity] => 0.5 [#lens_opacity] => 0.5 [#soft_focus] => 0 [#smooth_move] => 3 [#Show title] => 0 [#title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>
) [#weight] => 1 [#type] => fieldset [#title] => Images [#collapsible] => [#collapsed] => [#pre_render] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [#description] => ) )
Just call us!
Photo of a man's socked feet surrounded by telephones.
Creators / Group: 
Berliner AIDS-Hilfe
Berlin, Germany
60 x 42 cm.
Keywords: Bedrooms, Men, Helplines


This image may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). It is displayed here only for the purposes of research. The written permission of the copyright owners may be required for distribution or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use. All responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.