Du far ikke AIDS af: at drikke af samme flaske... eller af at kysse.
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[safe_value] => You don't get AIDS by: drinking from the same bottle ... or kissing.
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[value] => Du far ikke AIDS af: At drikke af samme flaske
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[safe_value] => Du far ikke AIDS af: At drikke af samme flaske
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[value] => Ring AIDS - Linien
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[value] => Comic drawing of a man at a bar holding a beer, dog urinating on the bar and a couple at a table.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Comic drawing of a man at a bar holding a beer, dog urinating on the bar and a couple at a table.
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[value] => You don't get AIDS by: drinking from the same bottle ... or kissing.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => You don't get AIDS by: drinking from the same bottle ... or kissing.
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You don't get AIDS by: drinking from the same bottle ... or kissing. Description:
Comic drawing of a man at a bar holding a beer, dog urinating on the bar and a couple at a table. Creators / Group:
Ring AIDS - Linien Language:
Danish Locale:
Denmark Dimensions:
70 x 70 cm. Identifier:
AP3888.jpg This image may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). It is displayed here only for the purposes of research. The written permission of the copyright owners may be required for distribution or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use. All responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.