Bornheim hat AIDS.
Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => German ) ) [field_date] => [field_otherholdings] => [field_latitude] => [field_longitude] => [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 34 [#title] => Search Title [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_alpha_title [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) [field_series] => [field_artist] => [field_creators_group] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 24 [#title] => Creators / Group [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_creators_group [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 31 [#title] => Width [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_width [#field_type] => number_decimal [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) [#formatter] => number_decimal [0] => Array ( [#markup] => 62.00cm ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 32 [#title] => Height [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_height [#field_type] => number_decimal [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) [#formatter] => number_decimal [0] => Array ( [#markup] => 84.40cm ) ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 19 [#title] => Description [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_aep_description [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 21 [#title] => Translation [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_aep_translation [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 20 [#title] => Translation Title [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_trans_title [#field_type] => text_long [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) [field_timeline_date] => [field_location] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 25 [#title] => Locale [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_location [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) [field_seealso] => [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 33 [#title] => AEP Keywords [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => inline [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_7 [#field_type] => entityreference [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) [#formatter] => entityreference_label [0] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Awareness ribbons [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/517 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [#theme] => entityreference_label [#label] => Solidarity [#item] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [#uri] => Array ( [path] => taxonomy/term/547 [options] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) ) ) [#settings] => Array ( [display] => Array ( [link] => 1 [bypass_access] => ) [field] => Array ( [handler] => base [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7 ) ) [handler_submit] => Change handler [target_type] => taxonomy_term ) ) ) ) [#weight] => 0 [#prefix] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => AP5078.jpg ) ) [field_poster_2] => [field_mature_flag] => [field_copyright] => [field_poster_image] => Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 34 [#title] => Image [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_poster_image [#field_type] => image [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => node [#bundle] => aids_poster [#object] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 66643 [uid] => 1 [title] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 42054 [type] => aids_poster [language] => und [created] => 1291839172 [changed] => 1448399506 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1448399506 [revision_uid] => 129 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[summary] => [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim hat AIDS. In Frankfurt gibe es weit über 6000 HIV-Infizierte. Seit 1980 starben in Frankfurt 800 Menschen an AIDS. Die AIDS-Hilfe Ffm steht AIDS-Kranken und HIV-Positiven, ihren Freunden und Angehörigen mit einen unfangreichen Hilfsangebot zur Seite. Dazu gehören Beratung, Information und der professionelle Pflegedienst der AIDS-Hilfe Ffm. Es ist Ihre Stadt. Helfen Sie mt Ihrer Spende und Ihrer Mitarbeit. SpendenKonto 446262, Frankfurter Sparkasse, BLZ: 500 502 01, Telefon: 069/43 97 04. Nichtstun is Krank. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_language] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => German [format] => [safe_value] => German ) ) ) [field_date] => Array ( ) [field_otherholdings] => Array ( ) [field_latitude] => Array ( ) [field_longitude] => Array ( ) [field_alpha_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim hat AIDS. ) ) ) [field_series] => Array ( ) [field_artist] => Array ( ) [field_creators_group] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt [format] => [safe_value] => AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt ) ) ) [field_width] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 62.0 ) ) ) [field_height] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 84.4 ) ) ) [field_poster_1] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => AP5078.jpg [format] => [safe_value] => AP5078.jpg ) ) ) [field_poster_2] => Array ( ) [field_mature_flag] => Array ( ) [field_copyright] => Array ( ) [field_aep_description] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. [format] => [safe_value] => Part map, part text with an AIDS ribbon made of words. Bornheim is a town in Germany. ) ) ) [field_staffnote] => Array ( ) [field_aep_translation] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht] [format] => 3 [safe_value] =>Bornheim has AIDS. In Frankfurt there are well over 6000 HIV infections. Since 1980 800 people have died from AIDS. AIDS-Help Ffm (Frankfurt am Main) stands with AIDS victims and HIV positive people, their friends and relatives with an extensive offer of help. With that comes advice, information, and professional nursing service of the AIDS-Help. It is your city. Help us with your contribution and your cooperation. Account for Donations: 44262 Frankfurt Savings Bank, Bank Number 500 502 01 Telephone: 069/43 97 04 Idleness is sick. AIDS-Help Frankfurt [Translated by Sam Schacht]
) ) ) [field_trans_title] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Bornheim has AIDS [format] => [safe_value] => Bornheim has AIDS ) ) ) [field_poster_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) ) [field_timeline_date] => Array ( ) [field_location] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Frankfurt, Germany [format] => [safe_value] => Frankfurt, Germany ) ) ) [field_seealso] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 517 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 517 [vid] => 7 [name] => Awareness ribbons [description] => fst01744899 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 547 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 547 [vid] => 7 [name] => Solidarity [description] => fst01125481 [format] => [weight] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7 ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [locations] => Array ( ) [location] => Array ( ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:3:{s:18:"admin_compact_mode";b:1;s:13:"form_build_id";s:37:"form-94f241486b19897f89670ad1a7ddfd03";s:7:"contact";i:0;} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) ) [#formatter] => cloud_zoom [0] => Array ( [#theme] => cloud_zoom_image [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 3087 [uid] => 121 [filename] => AP5078.jpg [uri] => public://aep_posters/AP5078.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 79271 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1295904498 [alt] => [title] => [width] => [height] => ) [#slide_style] => poster_size [#zoom_style] => 0 [#gallery_filedset] => Array ( [gallery_mode] => 0 [thumb_style] => 0 ) [#gallery_mode] => 0 [#thumb_style] => 0 [#zoom_position_fieldset] => Array ( [zoom_width] => auto [zoom_height] => auto [position] => inside [adjust_x] => 0 [adjust_y] => 0 ) [#zoom_width] => auto [#zoom_height] => auto [#position] => inside [#adjust_x] => 0 [#adjust_y] => 0 [#zoom_style_fieldset] => Array ( [tint] => false [tint_opacity] => 0.5 [lens_opacity] => 0.5 [soft_focus] => 0 [smooth_move] => 3 [Show title] => 0 [title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#tint] => false [#tint_opacity] => 0.5 [#lens_opacity] => 0.5 [#soft_focus] => 0 [#smooth_move] => 3 [#Show title] => 0 [#title_opacity] => 0.5 ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] => ) [#weight] => 1 [#type] => fieldset [#title] => Images [#collapsible] => [#collapsed] => [#pre_render] => Array ( ) [#attributes] => Array ( [class] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [#description] => ) )This image may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). It is displayed here only for the purposes of research. The written permission of the copyright owners may be required for distribution or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use. All responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.