175 Kein Anschluß unter dieser Nummer
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
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[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
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[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
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[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
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[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
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[value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
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[log] =>
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[revision_timestamp] => 1415911086
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[value] =>
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[format] =>
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[field_longitude] => Array
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[und] => Array
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[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[field_artist] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
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[field_trans_title] => Array
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[value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
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[field_longitude] => Array
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[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
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[0] => Array
[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[field_height] => Array
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[und] => Array
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[und] => Array
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[value] =>
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[safe_value] =>
[safe_summary] =>
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[safe_value] => German
[field_date] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => (1990)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => (1990)
[field_otherholdings] => Array
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[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[field_artist] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[value] => 42.0
[field_height] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
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[und] => Array
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[value] => AP4745.jpg
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[field_poster_2] => Array
[field_mature_flag] => Array
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[und] => Array
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[safe_value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[log] =>
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[comment] => 2
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[sticky] => 0
[nid] => 40986
[type] => aids_poster
[language] => und
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[und] => Array
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[value] =>
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[safe_value] =>
[safe_summary] =>
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[value] => German
[format] =>
[safe_value] => German
[field_date] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => (1990)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => (1990)
[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[field_series] => Array
[field_artist] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
[field_width] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 42.0
[field_height] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 59.5
[field_poster_1] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => AP4745.jpg
[format] =>
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[field_poster_2] => Array
[field_mature_flag] => Array
[field_copyright] => Array
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[und] => Array
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 No connection at this number
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[access] => 1
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[location] => Array
[name] => admin
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[entity_view_prepared] => 1
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[#formatter] => text_default
[0] => Array
[#markup] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_aep_translation] =>
[field_trans_title] => Array
[#theme] => field
[#weight] => 20
[#title] => Translation Title
[#access] => 1
[#label_display] => inline
[#view_mode] => full
[#language] => und
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[#field_type] => text_long
[#field_translatable] => 0
[#entity_type] => node
[#bundle] => aids_poster
[#object] => stdClass Object
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[log] =>
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[comment] => 2
[promote] => 0
[sticky] => 0
[nid] => 40986
[type] => aids_poster
[language] => und
[created] => 1291839057
[changed] => 1415911086
[tnid] => 0
[translate] => 0
[revision_timestamp] => 1415911086
[revision_uid] => 0
[body] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] =>
[summary] =>
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[safe_value] =>
[safe_summary] =>
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[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => German
[format] =>
[safe_value] => German
[field_date] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => (1990)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => (1990)
[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
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[field_longitude] => Array
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[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
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[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[value] => 42.0
[field_height] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => 59.5
[field_poster_1] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 No connection at this number
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[#markup] => Germany (East)
[field_seealso] =>
[taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array
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[#entity_type] => node
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[uid] => 1
[title] => 175 Kein Anschluß unter dieser Nummer
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[nid] => 40986
[type] => aids_poster
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[revision_timestamp] => 1415911086
[revision_uid] => 0
[body] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] =>
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
[safe_summary] =>
[field_language] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => German
[format] =>
[safe_value] => German
[field_date] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => (1990)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => (1990)
[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[field_series] => Array
[field_artist] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
[field_width] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 42.0
[field_height] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 59.5
[field_poster_1] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => AP4745.jpg
[format] =>
[safe_value] => AP4745.jpg
[field_poster_2] => Array
[field_mature_flag] => Array
[field_copyright] => Array
[field_aep_description] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 No connection at this number
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[description] => fst01041151
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[vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7
[access] => 1
[2] => Array
[target_id] => 817
[entity] => stdClass Object
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[vid] => 7
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[vocabulary_7] => vocabulary_7
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[1] => Array
[#theme] => entityreference_label
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[value] =>
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[safe_value] =>
[safe_summary] =>
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[und] => Array
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[value] => German
[format] =>
[safe_value] => German
[field_date] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => (1990)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => (1990)
[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
[field_alpha_title] => Array
[und] => Array
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[value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
[field_series] => Array
[field_artist] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
[field_width] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 42.0
[field_height] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 59.5
[field_poster_1] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => AP4745.jpg
[format] =>
[safe_value] => AP4745.jpg
[field_poster_2] => Array
[field_mature_flag] => Array
[field_copyright] => Array
[field_aep_description] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[field_staffnote] => Array
[field_aep_translation] => Array
[field_trans_title] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 175 No connection at this number
[format] =>
[safe_value] => 175 No connection at this number
[field_poster_image] => Array
[und] => Array
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[fid] => 2733
[uid] => 121
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[filesize] => 57786
[status] => 1
[timestamp] => 1295642394
[alt] =>
[title] =>
[width] =>
[height] =>
[field_timeline_date] => Array
[field_location] => Array
[und] => Array
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[field_seealso] => Array
[taxonomy_vocabulary_7] => Array
[und] => Array
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[target_id] => 454
[entity] => stdClass Object
[tid] => 454
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[format] =>
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[vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7
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[vid] => 7
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[description] => fst01737990
[format] =>
[weight] => 0
[vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_7
[access] => 1
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[location] => Array
[name] => admin
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[field_poster_2] =>
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[#title] => Image
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[#view_mode] => full
[#language] => und
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[#field_translatable] => 0
[#entity_type] => node
[#bundle] => aids_poster
[#object] => stdClass Object
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[uid] => 1
[title] => 175 Kein Anschluß unter dieser Nummer
[log] =>
[status] => 1
[comment] => 2
[promote] => 0
[sticky] => 0
[nid] => 40986
[type] => aids_poster
[language] => und
[created] => 1291839057
[changed] => 1415911086
[tnid] => 0
[translate] => 0
[revision_timestamp] => 1415911086
[revision_uid] => 0
[body] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] =>
[summary] =>
[format] => 3
[safe_value] =>
[safe_summary] =>
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[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => German
[format] =>
[safe_value] => German
[field_date] => Array
[und] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => (1990)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => (1990)
[field_otherholdings] => Array
[field_latitude] => Array
[field_longitude] => Array
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[value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Baumhauer, Friedrich (photography)
[field_creators_group] => Array
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[value] => Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V.
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[value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
[format] =>
[safe_value] => Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts.
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[value] => 175 No connection at this number
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[value] => Germany (East)
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175 No connection at this number Description:
Black-and-white photograph of a naked man listening on the telephone. 175 was the article in the East German penal code that criminalized homosexual acts. Creators / Group:
Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe DDR e.V. Date:
(1990) Language:
German Locale:
Germany (East) Dimensions:
60 x 42 cm. Identifier:
AP4745.jpg This image may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). It is displayed here only for the purposes of research. The written permission of the copyright owners may be required for distribution or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use. All responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.