Thumbnails | List
Title | Series | Artist | Creators / Group | Locale | Language | Date | |
Kdyby Byli infikovani virem HIV: dotek Neohrozi, Strach A Predsudky Ublizi. | KDYBY Byli infikovani virem HIV. | Vydalo NCPZ (Narodni centrum podpory zdravi) (National Centre for Health Promotion), Sokolska 54, Prague. | Prague, Czech Republic | Czech | (1996) | ||
AIDS | Jistota Vernosti Prevence AIDS | Vydalo NCPZ (Narodni centrum podpory zdravi) (National Centre for Health Promotion) | Prague, Czech Republic | Czech | |||
AIDS...nezná vyvolených! | Jistota Vernosti Prevence AIDS [Two safety pins] | Vydalo NCPZ (Narodni centrum podpory zdravi) (National Centre for Health Promotion) | Czech Republic | Czech | 1994 | ||
AIDS. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Syndrom Získaného Selhání Imunity. | Garant-Hospital | Czech Republic | Czech | ||||
AIDS. Kdo bude dalsi? | Jistota Vernosti Prevence AIDS [Two safety pins] | Vajnar, Dalibor | Vydalo NCPZ (Narodni centrum podpory zdravi) (National Centre for Health Promotion) | Czech Republic | Czech | (1994) | |
AIDS muze mit podobu andela. | Jistota Vernosti Prevence AIDS [Two safety pins] | Vydalo NCPZ (Narodni centrum podpory zdravi) (National Centre for Health Promotion) | Czech Republic | Czech | (1994) | ||
Ochran se proti AIDS. | Jistota Vernosti Prevence AIDS [Two safety pins] | Vydalo NCPZ (Narodni centrum podpory zdravi) (National Centre for Health Promotion) | Czech Republic | Czech | 1988 | ||
Infekce virem HIV. | Narodni program boje proti AIDS. | Czech Republic | Czech | ||||
Jak postupovat při krvavém poranéní pohozenou injekční jehlou | Czech Republic | Czech | 2006 | ||||
Obvykle projevy akutní HIV infekce : podle frekvence vyskytu v procentech. | Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519. | Narodni program boje proti AIDS. | Czech Republic | Czech | |||
Kome zvono zvoni? Najmladi oboleli od AIDS-a u Hrvatskoj ima 8 godina | Mladez Hrvatske Demokratske Zajednice | Croatia | Croatian | ||||
Kome zvono zvoni? 78 osoba u Hrvatskoj oboljelo je od AIDS-a | Mladez Hrvatske Demokratske Zajednice | Croatia | Croatian | ||||
Kome zvono zvoni? 46 osoba u Hrvatskoj umrlo je od AIDS-a | Mladez Hrvatske Demokratske Zajednice | Croatia | Croatian | ||||
Komarci nema rizika od SIDE | STOP SIDA | AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz | Zurich, Switzerland | Croatian | |||
Samo ovako SIDA/AIDS može predstavljati opasnost: A ovako ne može: | Orange and green | Bundeszentrale fur Gesundheitliche Aufklarung (BZgA) | Germany | Croatian | |||
AIDS buril?a xa nuwets' exali ?at'e | Stopping AIDS is up to us. | Northwest Territories. Department of Health | Northwest Territories, Canada | Chipewyan, English | |||
Informons-nous sur le VIH/SIDA et informons les autres. Soyons solidaires des personnes touchées. | ARCAT (Paris, France) | Paris, France | Chinese, French | ||||
Se proteger contre les IST/SIDA: un affaire d'hommes et de femmes. | ARCAT (Paris, France) | Paris, France | Chinese, French | ||||
Everyone has questions about sexuality. | Cheung, Aries | Toronto Department of Public Health, AIDS Prevention Bureau | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Chinese, English | |||
Everybody has questions about sexuality. | Cheung, Aries | Toronto Department of Public Health, AIDS Prevention Bureau | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Chinese, English |