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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Datesort descending
ULACETS: XI Congreso Latinoamericano De Enfermedades De Transmision Sexual ULACETS Latin American Congress on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (11th : 1997 : Lima, Peru) Peru Spanish 1997
Viral load. What is it? Why is it so important? Merck & Co. USA English 1997
Vous avez la came. Vous êtes pressé de vous faire un fix. Vous utilise du fieux malos. Maintenant, c'est le doute qui monte à la tête. Protegez-vous du sida et des hepatites. Protegez les autres. CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) France French 1997
Vous venez à peine de vous rencontrer. Hier soir, vous avez utilisé des préservatifs sans même en parler. [...] Protegez-vous du sida. Protegez les autres. CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) France French 1997
We kissed, got out of breath, knew it would happen, I said "wait," reached for a condom, we smiled, we kissed, got out of breath... Choose Safer Sex (II): Health Education Authority London, England English 1997
My friend has, I haven't, I might, my cousin hasn't, I could, I'm not sure, my mate tried it, I'm not ready. Only have sex because you want to! Choose Safer Sex (II) Health Education Authority London, England English 1997
Nous sommes la gauche ACT UP Paris (Organization) Paris, France French 1997
Rapaz do sauna diz. Fode com homens? Fode com mulheres? Foda com preservativo. Faça-o! ...Com protecção. Bath House Boy Series Cheung, Aries Gay Men's Education Network (G MEN) Toronto, Ontario, Canada Portuguese 1997
Par le sang. Par le sperme. Par la loi. Manifestation contre le SIDA. ACT UP Paris (Organization) Paris, France French 1997
Hope Access Care Health Resources & Services Administration/ AIDS Bureau 1997
Inner Loop in-line skate-a-thon. Knock AIDS for a loop! Pusateri Designs (Firm) AAA Rochester (Organization : N.Y.) Rochester, New York, USA English 1997
Journee mondiale de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie. Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la toxicomanie (France); Comité français d'éducation pour la santé France French 1997
Eduquer pour prévenir? UNESCO Paris, France? French 1997
Give children hope in a world with AIDS. World AIDS Day 1 December 1997. American Association for World Health Washington, D.C., USA English 1997
Centre régional d'information et de prévention du SIDA Nord - Pas-de-Calais Maison Regionale de Promotion de la Sante (MRPS) France French 1997
Children living in a world with AIDS deserve a world without AIDS. . . Let's make it happen!! Children living in a world with AIDS. Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (CAREC) Caribbean English, Spanish, French, Dutch 1997
Children living in a world with AIDS Children living in a world with AIDS New Zealand AIDS Foundation Auckland, New Zealand English 1997
Club Trash. Calender 1997 Mr B. Amsterdam, Netherlands English 1997
Club Trash. Calendar 97 Mr B. Amsterdam, Netherlands English 1997
Come out! Be yourself Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Germany English and German 1997
