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Linda afya yako, mlinde mpenzi wako, linda familia yako. Mwambie penzi wako kuwa una virusi vya UKIMWI. Mlete mpenzi wako katika kliniki ili apimwe kama ana virusi vya UKIMWI. Kenya. Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Kenya Swahili
Nie daj się uśpić! Stowarzyszenie Lambda Warszawa Warsaw, Poland Polish
Prueba. Saber es poder. Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB) ; Spain. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Plan Nacional Sobre el SIDA Spain Spanish
VIH est toujours là. Protégeons-nous! France. Ministère de la santé, de la jeunesse, des sports et de la vie associative ; Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé (France) French
Responsible parents protect their children from HIV infection before, during and after birth. They seek PMTCT services to know their HIV status to avoid passing the virus to their babies European Union; Kenya. Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation; Marie Stopes Clinic (Kenya) Kenya English
Atura la SIDA. Pren el compromis. No donis l'esquena a la SIDA. Andorra. Ministeri de Salut, Benestar Social i Família Andorra Catalan
Aquest local recomana sexe + segur. = Este local recomendache sexo + seguro. = Toki honek sexu zihurragoa gomendatzen dizu. Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB) ; Coordinadora Estatal de SIDA ; Spain. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo Spain Catalan ; Spanish ; Basque
Counseling and preventive medicine for HIV is the best hope for survivors of rape to be protected from HIV. Send a rape survivor to a health center immediately! Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ; Ethiopians and Americans in Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS Ethiopia English
VIH en el ambito laboral. 1 de Diciembre. Dia mundial del SIDA. Apoyo positivo (Organization) ; Unión General de Trabajadores de Madrid ; Spain. Ministerio de Sanidad, Politica Social e Igualidad Madrid, Spain Spanish
Homo, Bi, Hétéro... Qui suis-je? France. Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche France French
Fight AIDS not humans. Vivez et laissez vivre: non a la discrimination. Luxembourg. Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la formation professionelle et des sports ; Luxembourg. Ministère de la santé publique Luxembourg English, French
Si ets un home que te relacions sexuals amb homes, vacuna't d'hepatitis A i B. Gais Positius ; Barcelona (Spain). Salut Pública Barcelona, Spain Catalan
Zungumza na wanaoishi na virusi vya ukimwi kuhusu kinga ya virusi vya ukimwi. United States. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; Kenya; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) Kenya Swahili
Yëg Yëg SidAids Migrants/Sireas ; Belgium. Ministère de la communauté française Brussels, Belgium French 2010
BMI chart for determining nutritional status of HIV children and adolescents (age 5-18 years). Ethiopia English, Amharic [2007 or later]
Movement of men against AIDS in Kenya Movement of Men Against AIDS in Kenya; CHF International; United States. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Kenya English
Le Sida tue, la solitude aussi. Luxembourg. Ministère de la santé Luxembourg French
Nutrition works Kenya. Ministry of Medical Services; National AIDS and STDs Control Programme (Kenya); National AIDS Control Council (Kenya) Kenya English
HIV doesn't care... ...if you have sex with men or women Liverpool VCT, Care and Treatment; National AIDS Control Council (Kenya); Kenya. Ministry of Health; Elton John AIDS Foundation Kenya English
Untranslated Christian Relief & Development Association (Ethiopia) ; BGI Ethiopia ; Ethiopia Amharic
