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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Date
3ème semaine nationale, 28 Novembre - 04 Décembre 2005 Djibouti French 2005
What about AIDS, George? ACT UP (Organization) USA English [between 2000 and 2008]
Body Guard: Asegurate siempre. Body Guard (Firm) Nicaragua Spanish
Face aux IST/SIDA Centre de recherche, d'information et de production de l'éducation nationale ; Projet éducation en matière de population ; Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population Djibouti French 2002
Verbod op kondooms = moord op z'n Rooms. De Razende Rubbertjes Netherlands Dutch
Don't inject AIDS India Hindi, English
This is a public service announcement: Condom usage pop quiz: I wish to be ()young, ()foolish. Pick only one. Martin, Sean. AIDS Niagara St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada English 1994
SIDA/VIH Programme nationale de lutte contre le SIDA Djibouti French
Sida. Eu preocupo-me... e tu? Portugal. Comissão Nacional Luta Contra a Sida ; Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Portugal Portuguese 2001
AIDS and HIV - how you can protect yourself. Health Education Authority London, England English
Jak postupovat při krvavém poranéní pohozenou injekční jehlou Czech Republic Czech 2006
Bzz me! Ik weet wat jij wilt weten over alcohol, drugs en (veilig) vrijen. Trimbos Institute Netherlands Dutch
MSF HIV Kliniki Médecins sans frontières (Association) General Africa Swahili
Jeffrey. Orion Classics? USA English 1995
I had HIV. Pitts, Tom. ACT UP Golden Gate (Organization) San Francisco, California, USA English
Jikinge na ukimwi leo usijilaumu baadaye. African Medical and Research Foundation ; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Nairobi, Kenya Swahili, English
Positive? Negative? Do you know? An HIV test makes things clear. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Germany English
Ich mach's mit jedem! Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Germany German
Uma dupla que traz saúde: use sempre o método contraceptivo e o preservativo para ter dupla protecção. Mozambique. Ministério da Saúde ; United States. Agency for International Development Mozambique Portuguese
[Smiling faces with a condom : green] Île-de-France (France) ; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company France French 2006
