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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Date
, Man sex 2002 Spring discussion series Stop AIDS Project San Francisco, California, USA English 2002
Man till man. Campaign #8 - Kondomer Sweden. AIDS-delegationen Stockholm, Sweden Swedish (1990)
Man to man Rubber Up for Safety New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA English
, Man to man Rubber Up for Safety New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA English (1989)
Manche Kinder brauchen mehr Hilfe als Andere. Den sie haben AIDS. Kinder-AIDS-Hilfe Deutschland Dusseldorf, Germany German
Manline Manline Toronto, Ontario, Canada English 1989
Männer im bad. Wasserspiele und mehr . . . AIDS-Hilfe Nurnberg-Erlangen-Furth Nurnberg, Germany German
Manner lieben Manner Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Germany German (1989)
Männer stellen sich der Verantwortung Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Germany German (rec. 2001)
Mannsbilder. Künstler gegen AIDS Aktion 1994. AIDS-Hilfe Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein Siegen, Germany German 1994
Mantengase a la delantera evite el SIDA Los Angeles County Health Department, AIDS Program Office, AIDS Education Program Los Angeles, California, USA Spanish (1988)
Mantengase firme...Hagase la prueba del VIH Glaxo Wellcome Inc. England Spanish 2000
Mantente fuerte Davis, Freeman POCAAN (Organization) Seattle, Washington, USA Spanish
Many parents are worried about drive by shooters. Maybe it's time to worry about drive by lovers. Hispanic AIDS Committee for Education & Resources (HACER) San Antonio, Texas, USA English
Many people are worried about the risk of H-I-V and AIDS simply because they don't know the facts [...] share the facts, not the fiction. Share the facts, not the fiction. Health Education Authority London, England English 1992
Many straight, married, and bisexual men sometimes want to have sex with other men. Western Sydney Area Health Australia English (1996)
Many teachers say: I've never seen a gay student. La Trobe University Victoria, Australia English
Marchons pour faire reculer le sida AIDES France French (1994)
Marchons pour la vie Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec (CPAVIH) Montreal, Quebec, Canada French (2004)
Mardi 13 février Cliquet, Christelle Images contre le SIDA France French
