Thumbnails | List
Title | Series | Artist | Creators / Group | Locale | Language | Date | |
Nuevo Mejico. "Baile Con la vida y no con la Sida." Dance with life and not with AIDS. | Vigil, Bernadette | American Friends Service Committee. Pacific Southwest Regional Office. Northern New Mexico Program. | New Mexico, USA | Spanish | 1989 | ||
Don't let AIDS be our culture's second genocide | American Indian AIDS Institute | San Francisco, California, USA | English | 1994 | |||
Dance to life. Learn the facts the about AIDS. | Sheriff, Christopher (Photography) | American Indian Health Care Association | St. Paul, Minnesota, USA | English | 1989 | ||
No matter what path you walk you should get the HIV antibody test. | Whiteman, Ernie (Artwork) | American Indian Health Care Association | St. Paul, Minnesota, USA | English | 1990 | ||
You can't get AIDS by | Sheriff, Christopher (Photography) | American Indian Health Care Association | St. Paul, Minnesota, USA | English | 1989 | ||
No glove - no love. | Attridge-Bowers, Jan. | American Indian Health Care Association | St. Paul, Minnesota, USA | English | 1989 | ||
AIDS is not a quick kill. | American Indian Health Care Association | St. Paul, Minnesota, USA | English | 1989 | |||
Let the light of our teachings guide the way to healthy behavior. | Sheriff, Christopher and Curtis, Edward Sheriff(Photography) | American Indian Health Care Association | St. Paul, Minnesota, USA | English | 1990 | ||
Infection | HIV/AIDS Education | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1990 | ||
Key Points | HIV/AIDS Education | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1990 | ||
, | Knowledge is better than riches | Proverbs | Smith, Damballah Dolphus | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1992 |
You can't get AIDS- | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1986 | |||
You can't get AIDS from donating blood. | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1987 | |||
Don't listen to rumors about AIDS. Get the facts | American Red Cross | USA | English | ||||
Transmission | HIV/AIDS Education | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1990 | ||
Transmission | HIV/AIDS Education | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1990 | ||
, | When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion | Proverbs | Smith, Damballah Dolphus | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1992 |
Cruz Roja Americana ... | Hispanic HIV / SIDA Program | American Red Cross | USA | Spanish | |||
All over the world people are living with AIDS, all over the world the Red Cross is helping. | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1990 | |||
Blood Supply | HIV/AIDS Education | American Red Cross | USA | English | 1990 |