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Title Series Artist Creators / Groupsort descending Locale Language Date
Nuevo Mejico. "Baile Con la vida y no con la Sida." Dance with life and not with AIDS. Vigil, Bernadette American Friends Service Committee. Pacific Southwest Regional Office. Northern New Mexico Program. New Mexico, USA Spanish 1989
Don't let AIDS be our culture's second genocide American Indian AIDS Institute San Francisco, California, USA English 1994
Dance to life. Learn the facts the about AIDS. Sheriff, Christopher (Photography) American Indian Health Care Association St. Paul, Minnesota, USA English 1989
No matter what path you walk you should get the HIV antibody test. Whiteman, Ernie (Artwork) American Indian Health Care Association St. Paul, Minnesota, USA English 1990
You can't get AIDS by Sheriff, Christopher (Photography) American Indian Health Care Association St. Paul, Minnesota, USA English 1989
No glove - no love. Attridge-Bowers, Jan. American Indian Health Care Association St. Paul, Minnesota, USA English 1989
AIDS is not a quick kill. American Indian Health Care Association St. Paul, Minnesota, USA English 1989
Let the light of our teachings guide the way to healthy behavior. Sheriff, Christopher and Curtis, Edward Sheriff(Photography) American Indian Health Care Association St. Paul, Minnesota, USA English 1990
Infection HIV/AIDS Education American Red Cross USA English 1990
Key Points HIV/AIDS Education American Red Cross USA English 1990
, Knowledge is better than riches Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English 1992
You can't get AIDS- American Red Cross USA English 1986
You can't get AIDS from donating blood. American Red Cross USA English 1987
Don't listen to rumors about AIDS. Get the facts American Red Cross USA English
Transmission HIV/AIDS Education American Red Cross USA English 1990
Transmission HIV/AIDS Education American Red Cross USA English 1990
, When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English 1992
Cruz Roja Americana ... Hispanic HIV / SIDA Program American Red Cross USA Spanish
All over the world people are living with AIDS, all over the world the Red Cross is helping. American Red Cross USA English 1990
Blood Supply HIV/AIDS Education American Red Cross USA English 1990
