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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Languagesort descending Date
If you want one of these one day, use these today. People United Against AIDS. Developed by Turtledove Clemens Oregon. Health Division Portland, Oregon, USA English
If you won't kick an old habit, start a new one. Seidl, Jerry (Photography) Maryland. AIDS Administration Maryland, USA English 1988
If you won't take the HIV test, keep it to yourself. Roanoke (Va.). Health Department Roanoke, Virginia, USA English
If you're dabbling in drugs ... You could be dabbling with your life U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control USA English
If you're dabbling in drugs ... You could be dabbling with your life America Responds to AIDS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control USA English
If you're even thinking about unprotected sex... I want you to think again. Do It Now Foundation Tempe, Arizona, USA English (1993)
If you're going to say yes, use a condom AIDS is Everyone's Concern University of Miami School of Medicine, AIDS Clinical Research Unit Miami, Florida, USA English
If you're going to say yes, use a condom AIDS is Everyone's Concern University of Miami School of Medicine, AIDS Clinical Research Unit Miami, Florida, USA English
If you're going to say yes, use a condom AIDS is Everyone's Concern University of Miami School of Medicine, AIDS Clinical Research Unit Miami, Florida, USA English
If you're HIV+ or living with AIDS, Talk to us. 1-800 TALK-HIV. The AIDS hotline Haring, Keith New York City Department of Health New York, USA English
If you're not careful, you could wake up with more than just a hangover. Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force (Pa.) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA English 1994
If you're one of those people who get around, remember, so does AIDS. St. Louis Effort for AIDS, 5622 Delmar Blvd. #104E, St. Louis, MO. St. Louis, Missouri, USA English
If You're One Of Those People Who Get Around, Remember, So Does AIDS. St. Louis Effort for AIDS, 5622 Delmar Blvd. #104E, St. Louis, MO. St. Louis, Missouri, USA English
If you're young, queer, and negative If you're young, queer, and negative ; Queer Action Now San Francisco AIDS Foundation San Francisco, California, USA English 1996
If you've been doing this you could get AIDS. Sharing needles shares disease. Institute on Black Chemical Abuse Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA English
If you've had two sex partners, and your partners had each had two other sex partners, and their partners had each... Texas Department of Health. Texas, USA English
If your boyfriend insists on sex without a condom... Maybe it's time for a new boyfriend. AIDS Prevention Among Youth Oregon, USA English 1990
If your man is dabbling in drugs…He could be dabbling with your life Tennessee Department of Health & Environment Tennessee, USA English
Ignorance=Fear. Silence=Death. Fight AIDS. Act up. Haring, Keith ACT UP New York, USA English 1989
Ignore AIDS and it will bury the rest of you. First Campaign Oregon. Health Division Portland, Oregon, USA English 1987
