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Title Series Artist Creators / Groupsort ascending Locale Language Date
Showing knowledge harvesting care. St. Cloud State University, 720 4th Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA English 1995
Don't love your partner to death! Phillips, Stephen John Spectrum: AIDS Education to the Black Community District of Columbia, USA English
AIDS. A global problem - second decade. SPAL (Somerville Portuguese American League), 92 Union Square, Somerville, MA. Massachusetts, USA English 1993
AIDS aprenda e viva. SPAL (Somerville Portuguese American League) Massachusetts, USA Portuguese (1988)
Por que ficar com dúvidas? Faça o teste, grátis, anônimo, confidencial. SPAL (Somerville Portuguese American League) Somerville, Massachusetts, USA Portuguese (1992)
Só por ser HIV+, não tem que carregar o mundo nas costas ... Discriminação contra pessoa com AIDS é ilegal. Cooper, S. SPAL (Somerville Portuguese American League) Somerville, Massachusetts, USA Portuguese (1992)
Si de verdad los quiere protejalos. Southwest AIDS Committee New Mexico, USA Spanish
If you love them protect them. Get the facts about AIDS. Southwest AIDS Committee New Mexico, USA English
If you love them, protect them. Southwest AIDS Committee New Mexico, USA English
AIDS: If you've taken the risks . . take the test. Southwest AIDS Committee New Mexico, USA English
AIDS: If you've taken the risks . . take the test. Southwest AIDS Committee New Mexico, USA English
Come join the family. Queer voice: (with Pima County Health Dept. and Wingspan) Sumner, Jaime (photographer) Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, 375 South Euclid Ave., Tucson, AZ. Tucson, Arizona, USA English
Condom brigade. Gay Men's Health Project Whalen, Deb Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, 375 South Euclid Ave., Tucson, AZ. Tucson, Arizona, USA English 1998
Salud es poder. To protect yourself is to love yourself. Latino Men's Health Project; Pima County Health Department; Wingspan Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, 375 South Euclid Ave., Tucson, AZ. Tucson, Arizona, USA Spanish and English
SAAF (Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation) 10th Annual Festival for Life. Hoffman, David E. (Artwork and design) Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation Tucson, Arizona, USA English 1998
Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation AIDSwalk '98. AIDSWALK Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation Tucson, Arizona, USA English 1998
AIDSwalk '99. Sunday, Oct 24. I walk because... Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation AIDSWALK Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation Tucson, Arizona, USA English 1999
Spirit. Body. Gay Men's Health Project: (started 1995 by TAP, PACT, Shanti) Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation Tucson, Arizona, USA English (2000)
, It's about us. Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Assoc. Coalition Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA English and other languages 1998
Our ancestors didn't see AIDS in our future - prevent now! South Dakota Division of Education, Department of Health, 523 East Capitol Pierre, SD. Pierre, South Dakota, USA English 1990
