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Title Series Artistsort ascending Creators / Group Locale Language Date
Stops transmission-fluid leaks Use condoms. There's living proof they stop AIDS. Sprecher, Allan (Photography) HERO (Health Education Resource Organization) Baltimore, Maryland, USA English 1986
No reason...just never did it. Sex can wait. Spindler, Lisa (Photography) Michigan Abstinence Partnership Michigan, USA English
No reason...just never did it Sex can wait. Spindler, Lisa (Photography) Michigan Abstinence Partnership Michigan, USA English
I don't have to do it to prove it. Sex can wait. Spindler, Lisa (Photography) Michigan Abstinence Partnership Michigan, USA English
I've got better things to do than make babies Sex can wait. Spindler, Lisa (Photography) Michigan Abstinence Partnership Michigan, USA English
Can you talk to your son, Laura? Spector, Ken Brattleboro AIDS Project Vermont, USA English
Aren't you afraid of AIDS, Larry? Spector, Ken Brattleboro AIDS Project Vermont, USA English
Ann and Gary. Gary and John. John and Kate. Kate and Ann. Spector, Ken Brattleboro AIDS Project Vermont, USA English
Don't think of it as putting on a condom, think of it as wrapping a Christmas present. Smolin, Terri K. Reimer Foundation Chicago, Illinois, USA English
Use your head ... Use a condom! National Condom Week, February 14th to 21st. Smith, Robert Emery (photography) Condom Resource Center Oakland, California, USA English 1993
, When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English 1992
, Ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people. Ghanaian proverb. Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English
, Knowledge is better than riches Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English 1992
, He who conceals his disease cannot expect to be cured Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English 1992
, He who does not cultivate his field will die of hunger Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English 1992
, He who upsets a thing should know how to rearrange it Proverbs Smith, Damballah Dolphus American Red Cross USA English 1992
Protect your culture - Learn about AIDS. Sine, Duke Wassaja (Artwork) Tohono O'Odham Health Department Arizona, USA English 1988
M.K. Simqu's "Three" is. Sex is. Just Sex / Sex Is Simqu, M.K. Boy With Arms Akimbo / Girl With Arms Akimbo San Francisco, California, USA English 1989
Exposure to HIV can be prevented Simonson, Douglas Life Foundation Hawaii, USA English
Silence=Death Silence = Death Collective Silence = Death Collective New York, USA English 1986
