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Titlesort descending Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Date
[Untranslated] "Just Say No" Nepal Nepal Nepalese 2003
[Untranslated] New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA Chinese
[Woman prefers man with condoms] AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz Zurich, Switzerland German 1989
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Korean
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Laotian
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Japanese
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Khmer
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Thai
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Vietnamese
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Chinese
[Your blood bank is serving your relatives your friends your neighbours] All-India Institute of Medical Sciences. Centre for Community Medicine. NGO AIDS Cell New Delhi, India Hindi
¡Alerta! El SIDA es una amenza ¡informate! Bolivia. Ministerio de Previsión Social y Salud Pública. Dirección Nacional de Epidemiologia. Programa Nacional Enfermedades - Transmision Sexual Bolivia Spanish
¡Hombre! ¡Protégete! Rubber Up for Safety New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA Spanish
¡Mantente Alerta! No Compartas. Programa de Amplio Acceso a Jeringuillas Spanish
¡No se arriesgue! Use el condón. Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar (MEXFAM) Mexico Spanish
¡SIDA es una emergencia! Si te has inyectado drogas actúa ahora para proteger a tu bebé. Stop Shooting Up AIDS National Institute on Drug Abuse USA Spanish
¡SIDA! ¡SI-DA! ¡Practica el sexo con menor riesgo! [...] Oregon Council for Hispanic Advancement Portland, Oregon, USA Spanish 1992
«De fleste ulykker skjer i hjemmet»* I faste forhold hvor ingen av partene er smittet, velger noen å la være å bruke kondom ved analt samleie. Helseutvalget for homofile Oslo, Norway Norwegian (1995)
«Jeg foretrekker annen sex framfor anal sex, og det beskytter meg» Thomas, 22 år Helseutvalget for homofile Oslo, Norway Norwegian (1997)
¿Aló? Secretaria Regional De Salud Spanish
