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Title Series Artistsort descending Creators / Group Locale Language Date
אפשר למנוע אײדם: קונדום Israel Hebrew 1989
[Skul mẹ milī muzhe eds kī jankarī kya tumhe bhī?] All-India Institute of Medical Sciences. Centre for Community Medicine. NGO AIDS Cell New Delhi, India Hindi
[Your blood bank is serving your relatives your friends your neighbours] All-India Institute of Medical Sciences. Centre for Community Medicine. NGO AIDS Cell New Delhi, India Hindi
Universities talk AIDS. Universities Talk AIDS; National Service Scheme & National Control Organisation. India Hindi
Untranslated India Hindi
[Illustrations of ways to get and not to get HIV/AIDS] India Hindi
Ik Vrij Veilig of ik Vrij Niet Ik Vrij Veilig of ik Vrij Niet ("I'll have safe sex or no sex") Dutch Foundation for STD Control (SOA Stichting) Utrecht, Netherlands Dutch (1992)
Condom Helveticus Hot Rubber Company Zurich, Switzerland German (1987)
S'aimer, s'aider et ne jamais ceder CFES (Comite Francais d'Education pour la Sante) France French
Ik vrij veilig ook op vakantie. Folder hier Verkrijgbaar. Condooms trouwens ook. Ik vrij veilig of ik vrij niet.Condooms trouwens ook. Ik vrij veilig of ik vrij niet. Dutch Foundation for STD Control (SOA Stichting) Utrecht, Netherlands Dutch (1999 or 2000)
Untitled Untitled drawings (Thailand) Thailand Thai
СПИД не спит! Russia Russian 1990
Untranslated USAID India India Hindi
Untranslated USAID India India Hindi
(Untranslated) State of Kerala India Tamil
[Most people find it difficult to talk about (AIDS)] Hong Kong. Department of Health. AIDS Unit Hong Kong, China Chinese
(Untranslated) Arabic
Það hefur úrslitaþýðingu að vita hvernig verjast má eyðni. Smokkurinn er vörn gegn eyðni. Hann má ekki vera neitt feimnismál. Iceland. Landlæknisembættið Reykjavik, Iceland Icelandic
Ik vrij veilig of ik vrij niet Ik Vrij Veilig of ik Vrij Niet ("I'll have safe sex or no sex") Dutch Foundation for STD Control (SOA Stichting) Utrecht, Netherlands Dutch (1992)
Ik vrij veilig of ik vrij niet Ik Vrij Veilig of ik Vrij Niet ("I'll have safe sex or no sex") Dutch Foundation for STD Control (SOA Stichting) Utrecht, Netherlands Dutch (1994)
