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Titlesort ascending Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Date
13 Millions d'etres humains infectes. Images pour la lutte contre le SIDA France French
12th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and Mobilization Mobilization Against AIDS San Francisco, California, USA English 1995
12e Memorial Internacional de la SIDA. Barcelona 2005. Projecte dels noms. Memorial Internacional de la SIDA (Barcelona) NAMES Project ; Spain. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo ; Gilead Sciences (Firm) Barcelona, Spain Catalan 2005
11e Memorial Internacional de la SIDA. Barcelona 2004. Projecte dels noms. Memorial Internacional de la SIDA (Barcelona) NAMES Project ; Spain. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo ; Gilead Sciences (Firm) Barcelona, Spain Catalan 2004
11 years with HIV. And he can still dunk in your face. Live Long. Live Strong. Get tested. Maryland. AIDS Administration Maryland, USA English
11 normas para evitar el SIDA en peluquerias y otros establecimientos de atencion personal ileapaindegi eta arreta personaleko beste dendetan ekiditeko 11 arau. Departamento de Sanidad y Consumo Canary Islands, Spain Spanish
10th Annual AIDS Walk San Francisco San Francisco AIDS Foundation San Francisco, California, USA English 1996
10th Annual AIDS Walk San Francisco San Francisco AIDS Foundation San Francisco, California, USA English 1996
10th Annual AIDS Walk New York AIDS WALK New York Gay Men's Health Crisis New York, New York, USA English 1995
10th Annual AIDS Walk Los Angeles Events: APLA (AIDS Project Los Angeles) Los Angeles, California, USA English 1994
100% manydeel bee joo mana beer kiper raany HIV, tawe momuo ki kirigaabo, ki jac mokar manynyo. Abstinence 100% Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ; Ethiopians and Americans in Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS Ethiopia Undetermined
100% leben + lieben. Ohne Angst, ohne Medikamente, ohne Nebenwirkungen. Weil ich mich schütze. Bnony, Andre Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Germany German
10 Điều cần ghi nhớ về AIDS Bo Giao Duc Va Dao Tao. Ban Chi Dao Giao Duc Phong Chong AIDS Va Ma Tuy Vietnam Vietnamese 1995
10 years. Take pride in yourself. Take care of each other. AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) English (1993)
10 years on. Keep it up! New Zealand AIDS Foundation Auckland, New Zealand English 1993
10 Years On. Keep it up! New Zealand AIDS Foundation Auckland, New Zealand English 1993
10 points a connaitre sur le SIDA. AIDES Martinique French
10 Jahre. Wir brauchen Dich. Berliner AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany German
1.12. Maailman aids-päivä. AIDS-tukikeskus Finland Finnish
1. Prosinec - Svetovy den AIDS : "Jeden svet, jedna nadeje." Statni zdravotni ustav Czech Republic Czech
