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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Datesort descending
4e Conference Francophone VIH/SIDA. Conference Francophone VIH/SIDA (4th : 2007 : Paris, France) Paris, France French 2007
Restons soudes. Sidaction (Organization) France French 2007
1er rendez-vous de la santé et du mieux être gai. Séro Zéro Montreal, Quebec, Canada French 2007
Stop AIDS. Keep the promise. Stop AIDS. Keep the promise. Sheikh Khalifa Medical City United Arab Emirates Arabic and English 2007
Stop AIDS now! AIDS Fonds Amsterdam, Netherlands English 2007
Prendi un bonsai per coltivare con noi una speranza. Associazione Nazionale per la lotta contro l'AIDS (ANLAIDS) ; Bonsai Aid AIDS (Project) Italy Italian 2007
Unicef. Unite for children. Unite against AIDS Unicef United Arab Emirates Arabic and English 2007
Thanks to antiretroviral therapy we can face life. Uganda Government; United States. Agency for International Development Uganda English 2007 (received)
Thanks to antiretroviral therapy my daughter and I can face life Uganda Government; United States. Agency for International Development Uganda English 2007 (received)
"I talked to my kids about sex and HIV." Deputy Minister Pohamba Shifeta Namibia. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Namibia English 2007 (received)
"Om saam getoets te word was 'n bewys van ons liefde." Magnaite & Petunia Namibia. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Namibia Afrikaans 2007 (received)
I care do you? Gesh-Groove, DJ I care. Do You? Zambia. National HIV/AIDS/STD/TB Council Lusaka, Zambia English 2007 (received)
I care do you? Kabanana actor Pakeni I care. Do You? Zambia. National HIV/AIDS/STD/TB Council Lusaka, Zambia English 2007 (received)
I care. Do you? St. Michael I care. Do You? Zambia. National HIV/AIDS/STD/TB Council Lusaka, Zambia English 2007 (received)
I care. Do you? Beige, singer I care. Do You? Zambia. National HIV/AIDS/STD/TB Council Lusaka, Zambia English 2007 (received)
Stop AIDS. Keep the promise. Stop AIDS. Keep the promise. United Nations. Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS ; World AIDS Campaign Geneva, Switzerland English 2007?
Une été avec qui? Syndicat national des entreprises gaies (SNEG) Paris, France French 2007?
Huduma ya kuzuia maambukizo ya virusi VYA ukimwi (VVU) kutoka kwa mama kwenda kwa mtoto (Machi 2005 - Machi 2007) Zanzibar Zanzibar, Tanzania Swahili 2007?
AMREF International Training Center African Medical and Research Foundation Nairobi, Kenya English 2007?
Pour changer mon regard sur le maladie. SIDA tous différents tous concernés! = AIDS concerns everybody! Collectif régional de prévention SIDA (Nord Pas de Calais) Lille, France French 2008
