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Title Series Artist Creators / Groupsort descending Locale Language Date
I wish I had said no to AIDS. My quick pleasure led to a slow, painful death Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Entebbe, Uganda English
AIDS Kills: It is mostly spread through sex Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Entebbe, Uganda English (1988)
Have sex with only one faithful partner Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Entebbe, Uganda English (1988)
Qu'est-ce que vous avez entendu sur le SIDA? Ne devinez pas les réponses! Apprenez la vérité sur le SIDA! Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Kampala, Uganda French
Pregnancy might lead to early development of AIDS related diseases Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Entebbe, Uganda English
Stages of Infection (Maximum Periods) Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Entebbe, Uganda English
Support your friends. Help them to remain AIDS free Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Entebbe, Uganda English
Soignez les personnes qui ont le SIDA. Protégez votre malade contre les infections. Protégez-vous et les autres contre le SIDA. Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control Uganda. Ministry of Health. AIDS Control Programme Kampala, Uganda French
Leaders! Keep the promise, stop AIDS. Venturi, Riccardo, 1966- UNAIDS ; World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Cairo, Egypt English, Arabic 2007
Preservons-nous du SIDA. UNESCO Paris, France French 1991
Eduquer pour prévenir? UNESCO Paris, France? French 1997
Sida: construisons le dialogue. Unesco Paris, France French 1994
Защита от СПИДа в ваших руках UNESCO France Russian, French 1989
AIDS. It's time for schools to act! UNESCO English 1993
AIDS. It's time for schools to act! UNESCO English 1992
L'education sur le Sida, un droit, un devoir. UNESCO Secteur de l'education Paris, France French
Education about AIDS. A Right, a Responsibility. UNESCO Secteur de l'education English
Forces du changement: Avec les jeunes, en campagne contre le Sida. Unesco. Education Sector Paris, France French 1998
Untranslated Unesco/AIDTHI Workshop, Bihas, India Bihas, India Hindi
Pata ushauri nasaha na kupima afya yako ili kujua hali ya yambukizo wa Virusi vya ukimwi. UNICEF Tanzania Swahili
