Thumbnails | List

Titlesort descending Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Date
Take the HIV test. You can live with the results. Michigan. Department of Public Health. AIDS Prevention Program Lansing, Michigan, USA English
Take the test. Take control. National Association of People with AIDS (U.S.) ; National Lesbian and Gay Health Association (U.S.) ; National Association of People with AIDS (U.S.) USA English
Take this simple AIDS test: New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA English 1989
Take this test before it's time to take this one. Illinois. Department of Public Health Illinois, USA English 1994
Take this vision test Milwaukee AIDS Project Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA English 1991
Talk on sex Stop AIDS Project San Francisco, California, USA English
Talk to us about HIV (AIDS) testing near you Haring, Keith New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA English 1989 (October)
Talk to us about HIV (AIDS) testing near you Subway Car Poster Haring, Keith New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA English
Taste Excite Explore Imagine Taste Touch Watch Colorado AIDS Project Denver, Colorado, USA English (1991)
Tasty, cream-filled treats always come wrapped for your protection Project Lifeguard (formerly Gay Men's Sex Project); AIDS Project Arizona Phoenix, Arizona, USA English
TB & HIV: The Connection New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA English (1993)
TB. HIV. Double Trouble Double Trouble United States. Department of Health and Human Services ; Center for Disease Control Washington, DC, USA English 1992
TB. HIV. Double Trouble Double Trouble Mississippi. Department of Health. Tuberculosis control program. Mississippi, USA English 1998
TB/HIV Double trouble Double Trouble New York State Department of Health New York, USA English
Te preocupa el SIDA? Ahora, Hay Ayuda! New Jersey, Treatment Assessment Program (TAP) New Jersey, USA Spanish
Te puede suceder a ti AIDS is Everyone's Concern University of Miami School of Medicine, AIDS Clinical Research Unit Miami, Florida, USA Spanish
Teaching AIDS awareness through education. If you have AIDS so can your baby. Teaching AIDS awareness through education. Oklahoma City Area HIV/AIDS Coalition Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA English
Teenage sex cult. Wingspan, 300 East 6th St., Tucson, AZ. Tucson, Arizona, USA English 1995
Tell him he has a choice of what to wear America Responds to AIDS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control USA English
Tell my children when they are grown to please always wear condoms. If I had use them I would be there to tell them myself. - Georgia M. How to get a man to wear a condom series AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts, USA English
