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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Languagesort descending Date
[Banana] Banana Boys AIDS Rochester, Inc. Rochester, New York, USA
Você não pode lidar com o vírus da SIDA, se não souber que ele està entre nós. Massachusetts. Department of Public Health Boston, Massachusetts, USA
How can you prevent AIDS? National AIDS Hotline U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control USA American Sign Language and English 1990
[Untranslated] New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA Chinese
Untranslated New York State Department of Health New York, USA Chinese 2012-09
[Yes or no. You can get AIDS virus from:] Yes or No AIDS Hotline (Oahu) Oahu, Hawaii, USA Chinese
AIDS. It's up to you Aids. It's Up To You State of California AIDS Education Campaign Santa Cruz, California, USA Chinese 1990
AIDS. Do you know the way to fight this plague? ACT UP (San Jose) San Jose, California, USA English
AIDS. My partner has AIDS. I'm going to die. Who's your partner? Craven County Health Department. North Carolina, USA English
AIDS. Mumkichuth. Pia-himdag. COPASA Arizona, USA English
AIDS. Let's talk about it. Georgia. Department of Human Resources Atlanta, Georgia, USA English
AIDS. It's real, it doesn't see black or white, male or female. Craven County Health Department. North Carolina, USA English
AIDS® It’s Big Business! (But Who’s Making a Killing?) ACT UP New York, USA English
AIDS. It's a lot more serious than snorkeling. Wear the right gear for the right occasion. Hawaii Island YWCA Community Youth Activity Program Hawaii, USA English
AIDS. It can happen to anybody. Fight AIDS. Not people with AIDS. Fight AIDS. Not People with AIDS. District of Columbia. Department of Human Services. Commission of Public Health. Office of AIDS Activities District of Columbia, USA English
AIDS. It can happen to anybody Fight AIDS. Not People with AIDS. DC Department of Human Services, Commision of Public Health, Office of AIDS Activities District of Columbia, USA English
AIDS. Get the facts Pharmacists Planning Service Sausalito, California, USA English 1986
AIDS. For people who want answers. Virginia Department of Health, Division of Communicable Disease Control, STE/AIDS Control Program, Main Street Station, Richmond, VA. Virginia, USA English 1990
AIDS. Educate yourself and live beyond a shadow of a doubt. Hall, David (Artwork) West Virginia AIDS Hotline West Virginia, USA English
AIDS. Drugs. Unsafe. Sex. Death. Deadly Scrabble North Carolina. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. AIDS Control Program North Carolina, USA English 1990
