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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Languagesort ascending Date
Papi, ponte el sombrero. !Protegete! New York State Department of Health New York, USA Spanish
Por favor. Ayude a los niños con EL SIDA. Concerned Citizens for Humanity Hartford, Connecticut, USA Spanish (1991)
Porque me quiere, me cuida AIDS. It's Up To You State of California AIDS Education Campaign Santa Cruz, California, USA Spanish
Preocupada? No al sexo, o si a los condones Connecticut Department of Health Services, AIDS Program Hartford, Connecticut, USA Spanish
Preocupandote del HIV no es suficiente. Mas vale hacer algo America Responds to AIDS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control USA Spanish
Preocupandote del HIV no es suficiente. Mas vale hacer algo U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control USA Spanish
Prevenga esta terrible enfermedad El SIDA AIDS Education and Information Project Nipomo Community Medical Center Nipomo, California, USA Spanish (1990)
VIH: Hablar sobre el virus no mata Project First Step AIDS Foundation of San Diego San Diego, California, USA Spanish
Sexo, drogas, SIDA California Department of Corrections, Office of Health Care Services Sacramento, California, USA Spanish
Tomo en serio el amor. Uso condomes. Erickson, T. Charles (Photography); Codish, K.D. (Design) New Haven Women's AIDS Coalition of the Mayor's Task Force on AIDS New Haven, Connecticut, USA Spanish 1988
SIDA precaución. No entrar sin condon. Gil & Gil Publicidad Travelers Aid/Immigrants Service (Chicago, Ill.), El Rincon Community Clinic Chicago, Illinois, USA Spanish
Toda pregunta es importante: SIDA!? AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts, USA Spanish
Protegete contra el SIDA DC Department of Human Services, Commision of Public Health, Office of AIDS Activities District of Columbia, USA Spanish
Proteja a su familia del SIDA New York State Department of Health New York, USA Spanish
Decisión Decision: Subway Comic Series New York City Department of Health New York, New York USA Spanish (1998)
Puedes contraer el aids de los ex-amantes de los ex-amantes de los ex-amantes de los los ex-amantesde tus amantes Texas Department of Health. Texas, USA Spanish
Sera posible? Que yo este en riesgo del SIDA. Si! La realidad esque el SIDA te puede afectar. Concerned Citizens for Humanity Hartford, Connecticut, USA Spanish (1991)
Te preocupa el SIDA? Ahora, Hay Ayuda! New Jersey, Treatment Assessment Program (TAP) New Jersey, USA Spanish
Te puede suceder a ti AIDS is Everyone's Concern University of Miami School of Medicine, AIDS Clinical Research Unit Miami, Florida, USA Spanish
Que tienes en contra de un condon? U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control USA Spanish
