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Title Series Artistsort descending Creators / Group Locale Language Date
Learn the facts about AIDS and Children Education is our best defense White, Darryl (Artwork) City of New Orleans Department of Health New Orleans, Louisiana, USA English
When we walk in beauty and take care of our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical being, our circle of life will be complete and strong Whitehorse, Leon Traditional Indian Alliance Tucson, Arizona, USA English
No matter what path you walk you should get the HIV antibody test. Whiteman, Ernie (Artwork) American Indian Health Care Association St. Paul, Minnesota, USA English 1990
Only thing that comes between our church and people with AIDS. Welcome. Whittey, Rick (Photography) AIDS Ministries Program of Connecticut Hartford, Connecticut, USA English
AIDS gets around! Don't be at risk! Wilcox, Susan New York City Department of Health New York, New York, USA English 1989
AIDS kills. Bleach works. Use it! Wilets, Julee (photography) Denver (Colo.). Bureau of Health and Hospitals. Denver AIDS Prevention Denver, Colorado, USA English
The only people get who can't AIDS already have it. Wilson, Jack (Photography); Great Faces (Typography); AfterSeven Advertising (Agency) St. Louis Effort for AIDS, 5622 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO. St. Louis, Missouri, USA English
When you have sex, make sure the only thing you spread is your legs. Wilson, Jack (Photography); Great Faces (Typography); AfterSeven Advertising (Agency) St. Louis Effort for AIDS, 5622 Delmar Blvd. #104E, St. Louis, MO. St. Louis, Missouri, USA English
Are you in the dark? Get smart! Get tested! Word Painting Virginia. Department of Health Virginia, USA English 1991
Is your lover handing you a death sentence? Worley, Hubert (Photography) Mississippi. State Department of Health Mississippi, USA English
Exposed. Yasharian, Robert Alfred University Alfred, New York, USA English 1993
