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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Datesort descending
AIDS is real JSYAP Ibadan, Nigeria English (1997)
AIDS? Who has HIV? Nigeria Youth AIDS Programme Lagos, Nigeria English (1999)
You can get a new BABE but you can't get a new life ABSTAIN! Nigeria Youth AIDS Programme Lagos, Nigeria English (1999)
You can get a new GUY but you can't get a new life ABSTAIN! Nigeria Youth AIDS Programme Lagos, Nigeria English (1999)
There is hope for positive living with HIV Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (Nigeria Chapter) Lagos, Nigeria English (2002)
Let's unite and wage war against AIDS Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (Nigeria Chapter) Lagos, Nigeria English (rec. 2007)
Youths are the leaders of tomorrow Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (Nigeria Chapter) Lagos, Nigeria English (rec. 2007)
Programme national de lutte contre le SIDA et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles Niger. Ministère de la santé publique. Programme National de Lutte contre le SIDA Niamey, Niger French 1995
AIDS is real Staywell Health Ibadan, Nigeria English 1995
NIGERIA '99 StopAIDS Nigeria Nigeria English 1999
