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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Languagesort descending Date
Jane - 30" Choose Safer Sex (II) Health Education Authority London, England English
Jo's party tonight, what shall I wear? [...] Choose Safer Sex (II): Health Education Authority London, England English 1997
Josephine - 30" Choose Safer Sex (II) Health Education Authority London, England English
Just like her mother...HIV positive? Terrence Higgins Trust London, England English 2001
Condom Factory - 40". Keep Mrs. Dawson busy. Use a condom. Choose Safer Sex (II) Health Education Authority London, England English
Living well with HIV roadshow. Terrence Higgins Trust London, England English
Know how to get the answers you need. Living well phoneline Terrence Higgins Trust London, England English
Let's talk about sex. Terrence Higgins Trust London, England English
Limited entry. Correct dress only. DUREX Information Service for Sexual Health England English 1992
London Lighthouse. A centre for people facing the challenge of HIV and AIDS. Drop in centre Herxheimer, Sophie London Lighthouse London, England English 1991
Love alone is no protection. Always use a condom. Stanley, Paul Terrence Higgins Trust London, England English 1994
Whatever you do...Make it safe. The Terrence Higgins Trust England English
Whatever you do make it safe Terrence Higgins Fund London, England English
Many people are worried about the risk of H-I-V and AIDS simply because they don't know the facts [...] share the facts, not the fiction. Share the facts, not the fiction. Health Education Authority London, England English 1992
Maximise your benefits. Daily Gossip series Terrence Higgins Trust London, England English 1992
Mike - 20" Choose Safer Sex (II) Health Education Authority London, England English
Mr. Right (now) might not wait for you to get strong condoms and water-based lube. Always carry them with you. Practise safer sex. Roden, Suzanne Blackliners England English
My ex made me do things in bed that just really scared me. Sexual abuse series Terrence Higgins Trust London, England English
My friend has, I haven't, I might, my cousin hasn't, I could, I'm not sure, my mate tried it, I'm not ready. Only have sex because you want to! Choose Safer Sex (II) Health Education Authority London, England English 1997
National Condom Week British Wellness Council London, England English 1993
