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Titlesort descending Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Date
Contact! Se retrouver dans la communauté gaie, ça n'a pas besoin d'être un casse-tête! Séro Zéro Montreal, Quebec, Canada French 2000
Contact. Projet pour jeunes gais et lesbiennes. Séro Zéro Montreal, Quebec, Canada French
Conversations '90 Ottawa-Carleton (Ont.) Service de Santé Ottawa, Ontario, Canada French
Courageuse: pour ne pas vivre dans le dout, elle s'est fait depister. COCQ-SIDA Montreal, Quebec, Canada French
Cover your Youth for Youth AIDS Committee of Durham Region Oshawa, Ontario, Canada 2010
Cover yourself against AIDS Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services Canada English
Cover yourself against AIDS Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services Canada English
CPAVIH Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec (CPAVIH) Canada French
CPAVIH Le défilé 2 sans ceremonie. Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec (CPAVIH) Montreal, Quebec, Canada French 1998
CPAVIH. Le CPAVIH (Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec) représente et défend les droits des personnes atteintes dans le but d'améliorer leurs qualité de vie et de tendre vers leur autohabilitation.. Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec Quebec, Canada French
Cruising: the ins & outs of hooking up for men Handy Dandy HOW-TO Handbooks AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Toronto, Ontario, Canada English 2005
Cruising: the ins & outs of hooking up for men. Handy Dandy HOW-TO Handbooks AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Toronto, Ontario, Canada English 2005
Cudurka AIDISKA waa kugu dhici karaa! Ka badbaadi naftaada. AIDS can happen to you! Canadian Public Health Association. AIDS Education and Awareness Program Canada Somali
Dancers for Life. A decade of dance. Dancers for Life AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Toronto, Ontario, Canada English (1997)
Dancers for Life. A decade of dance. Dancers for Life AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Toronto, Ontario, Canada English (1997)
Dancers for Life. The 7th Annual Dancers for Life AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Toronto, Ontario, Canada English (1994)
Dancers for Life. The 8th Annual Dancers for Life AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Canada English (1995)
Dancers for Life. The 9th Annual. Dancers for Life AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Canada English (1996)
Dancers for Life. The Fourth Annual. Dancers for Life AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Canada English (1991)
Dancers for Life. The Sixth Annual. AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Canada English (1993)
