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Title Series Artist Creators / Group Locale Language Datesort descending
T'as passe l'âge des contes de fées! Beauregard, Dominique Action SIDA Laval Laval, Quebec, Canada French
Tadałᶖde goxìdiale gha gots'ǫ hoelᶖ. Stopping AIDS is up to us. Stopping AIDS is up to us. Northwest Territories. Department of Health Northwest Territories, Canada Dogrib, English
, Take control…of your life. Regular tests help. Winnipeg poster-pamphlets Palmer, Jeff AIDS Committee Winnipeg Gay/Lesbian Resource Centre Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada English
Take it off....Put it on. Take it off... put it on. Prioste, Gilbert AIDS Committee of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada English
Talk it out. Homewood Health Services Toronto, Ontario, Canada English
Talking safer sex. Canadian Federation of Students (CFS/FCE) Canada English
Test de dépistage anonyme du VIH/SIDA. Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS) Montreal, Quebec, Canada French
Arts gala des arts. AIDS New Brunswick New Brunswick, Canada French and English
Body & Society. The Embassy Cultural House University of Western Ontario Canada English
Canadian Shield AIDS Committee of Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario, Canada English
Great Canadian cover-up. Use a latex condom. Lopez, Emmanuel Toronto Department of Public Health, AIDS Prevention Bureau Toronto, Ontario, Canada English
Moral majority, family values, right to life AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) Toronto, Ontario, Canada English
Peu de latex, ça ne change rien pour moi! Protection SIDA-MTS Province of Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Centre Québécois de Coordination sur le Sida (CQCS) Montreal, Quebec, Canada French
Touch Excite Explore Imagine Taste Touch Watch AIDS Committee of London London, Ontario, Canada English
Ts'ik vigwinaajat hiidi?yiah kwaa eenji gwik'andehnohtih. Stopping AIDS is up to us Stopping AIDS is up to us. Northwest Territories. Department of Health Northwest Territories, Canada Loucheux (Gwich'in), English
Twenty myths that won't hurt to believe. Four that will. Canadian AIDS Society Ontario, Canada English
Condom...comme de raison! Gaboury, Serge Mouvement d'information et d'entraide dans la lutte contre le SIDA a Quebec (MIELS-Quebec) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada French
Infection peut être masquée. Fais-toi tester pour la trouver! Séro Zéro Canada French
Infection peut être masquée Séro Zéro Canada French
Toronto Chinese Health Education Committee Toronto Chinese Health Education Committee Toronto, Ontario, Canada Chinese, English
